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U.S. offshore wind vessels Services
DNV your trusted voice for Offshore Wind Vessel services

Ship classification
Make sure your ship is fit for sailing

Offshore classification
Have safe and reliable offshore operations

Maritime Advisory
Your trusted partner for technology and industry development.

Certification of materials and components
Ensure your products are fit for purpose

Flag state and coastal state services
Rely on our global network of experts

Maritime software
Discover software solutions for ship design, management and operations
US Fishing Vessel Services
DNV supports the fishing vessel industry with focus on design, construction, and operations by providing a full range of technical advisory and risk management services.
Maritime innovation (global)
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DATE - Direct Access to Technical Experts
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DNV Maritime on-demand webinars and presentations (us)
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MARITIME IMPACT - our expertise in stories
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Maritime cyber security
Why cyber security is essential for the different maritime stakeholders - watch the video and explore ISM guidance, FAQs and more

Decarbonization in shipping
GHG emissions from shipping to be reduced by at least by 50% in 2050. The shipping industry is expected to act upon the Paris Agreement and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

EU MRV Regulation
Get the details on Monitoring, Reporting and Verifying in line with the new EU MRV regulation
Learn more about Veracity
Veracity is an open and secure platform facilitating exchange of data sets, APIs, applications and insight.