Cyber security is an increasingly important topic for the maritime and offshore industries due to rapid digital transformation and with that comes new threats and regulatory requirements.
Optimization of operations remains a critical focus, and those who can utilize new technologies and digital solutions will have the upper hand. Cyber security is a critical risk area, as ship operation is largely dependent on the effectiveness of software-based systems for operations.
Cyber systems for ships and mobile units are classified as either IT (standard information systems) or OT (operation and control systems).
IT is typically more mature when it comes to cyber security, with established procedures, technology and training being applied using an information security management system (ISMS) – at least onshore. A breach of IT systems can have significant reputational and financial impact. However, it typically does not impact the safe operation of your ships and units.
OT, in contrast, is less mature when it comes to cyber security, and an attack on on-board OT systems may jeopardize the vessel’s and crew’s safety. As a class society, we work together with the industry to ensure owners, yards and suppliers are prepared to build and operate cyber-secure ships and offshore units.
What makes cyber security increasingly important in maritime?
New technology, more automation and digitalization are enabling our industry to be more efficient. At the same time, cyber security needs to be in place in order to handle the safety considerations and risks this new technology brings with it, as well as to ensure that we keep vessel operation and crew & passengers safe.
An increase in cyber incidents is affecting shipping and offshore. Along with the higher number of integrated vessels comes new threats which can remotely attack your vessels and potentially gain access to or impact the vessel’s control systems.
Regulations and laws are being introduced that require owners, operators and managers to consider cyber risks, such as the IMO Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management, and the IACS Unified requirements on Cyber safety, E26 and E27.
Commercial cyber requirements and risks, like TMSA 3 and lack of insurance coverage, can impact the probability of getting a charter and may lead to significant financial risk.
Why DNV is the right partner for cyber security?
As a class society, we work to keep vessels safe. Cyber security is an increasingly important part of DNV’s risk approach.
Our experts have extensive experience in combining maritime cyber security, IT, control systems and all stakeholder demands.
Our staff has a multitude of competences, ranging from ethical hackers to ISMS auditors.
DNV’s Cyber secure class notation and recommended practices are tailored to specific maritime needs.
“The combination of cyber security expertise and in-depth knowledge of maritime regulation and control systems is what makes DNV unique in this context. It was a positive experience to have a cyber security expert on board who was able to talk to the crew as well as understand the maritime systems on board and find his way around the vessel.”
Quote from customer Project
DNV supports you in ensuring safe vessels and operations in times of digital transformation!
As a Recognized Organization on behalf of authorities, we deliver ISM audits which include cyber risk.
As a class society, we offer the Cyber secure class notation for secure vessel design and operation and cyber secure type approval to support manufacturers with cyber-secure systems and components and ensure compliance with IACS Unified requirements.