Frequently asked questions
RSCS+: Long-haul approach
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Answer:To gain access to this application, please visit the RSCS+ application page on our Veracity data platform. If you do not have a Veracity account yet, you can register here.
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Answer:The owner of an individual route can distribute and apply the route specification on all vessels within their management team.
RSCS+: Short voyage – weather-dependent lashing approach
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Answer:The applicable maximum significant wave height can be entered using just the first digit or it can be rounded up to the next 0.5 metres.
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Answer:There is no limitation on the minimum significant wave height you can use in our calculation form, however a reduction factor of no less than 0.3 may be applied.
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Answer:It is the responsibility of the vessel’s Master to choose a reliable source for the weather forecast.
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Answer:This may be the case if the environment and loading conditions allow for it.
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Answer:The chosen weather forecast shall be filed together with the calculation documentation for application of the weather-dependent acceleration reduction.
Modern Deck Container Stowage: New lashing rules and StowLash3D
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Answer:In the past, container lashing was simplified by applying simple spring systems separately for the idealization of each container end. The new calculation approach applies a finite element model for each container, which represents the complete structural characteristics based on full-scale measurements. Of course, all lashings and twistlocks are considered as separate non-linear elements within the 3D model of the container stack. This means the container ends now interact in terms of strength.
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Answer:The calculation method is ready for all commonly used container types, for example with lengths of 20, 30, 40, 45, 48 or 53 feet, including different heights of containers. DNV is working on the development of further container types, to be introduced in future releases of StowLash3D.
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Answer:During the development process, DNV performed the full-scale tests with randomly picked used containers to measure container stack behaviour, including deformations and reaction forces. The test was performed under controlled conditions using high-end measurement tools.
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Answer:If you are interested in checking your loading case according to our new calculation method, you can use our intuitive StowLash3D software. Our calculation method is also available for third-party software through the easy-to-implement Software Development Kit (SDK).
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Answer:On request, DNV provides the Software Development Kit (SDK), which is easy to implement and free of charge. You can apply for the SDK for StowLash3D using our request form available here.
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Answer:Our StowLash3D software is distributed free of charge. Simply apply for the installation package using our request form available here.