DNV is dedicated to the cruise industry and continuously strives to improve the industry’s performance and sustainability. Performance is the key success factor on all levels for competitive offshore sailing. This is also valid for the international cruise industry where non-performance is not an alternative.
Collaborating with DNV will help you improve your business performance in a sustainable way. DNV is the leading provider of high quality services to the cruise industry and works closely with owners, designers, yards, managers, manufacturers, flag states, port states, training providers and other stakeholders in the cruise industry.
Our services in detail:
-Statutory Certification
-Product Certification
-Maritime Advisory
-Shipping Advisory Services
-Noise and Vibration Advisory Services
-Safety, Risk and Reliability Advisory Services
-Hydrodynamics Advisory Services
-Lifecycle Management Advisory Services
-Structure Advisory Services Control Systems
-and Cybernetics Advisory ECO Solutions
The world ‘s strongest cruise network ….We're here to ensure your journey is smooth sailing. What can we assist you with today?
Cyber security is an increasingly important topic for the maritime and offshore industries due to rapid digital transformation and with that comes new threats and regulatory requirements.
May 25, 2022 - Battery technology has developed rapidly since first being introduced to the maritime industry and is now considered as a viable alternative power system for ship.
October 27, 2021 - Best fuel strategies and options, owners can select to increase the sustainability of their yacht operations reducing their environmental footprint.
November 19, 2024. As the cruise industry continues to explore sustainable energy alternatives, nuclear energy stands out as a promising yet challenging option. With the potential to significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions and enhance operational efficiency, nuclear-powered cruise ships could be an important part of the sector's decarbonization journey.
DNV-USCG collaboration improves safety
DNV has been present in the United States for 125 years, and during this time, we have developed a close, collaborative relationship with the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). Beyond our authorization to provide statutory survey and certification services on behalf of the USCG, we work together to improve safe cruise operations in the United States.
At Seatrade 2024, LCDR John DiNino accepted, on behalf of the USCG Cruise Ship National Center of Expertise (CSNCOE), an award from DNV for Driving Collaboration in the Industry [pictured from left] Paal Johansen, SVP & Global Cruise Ship Director at DNV; Bharat Madan, Director of Client Relations at DNV; USCG LCDR John DiNino; Craig Koehne, Regional Business Development Manager at DNV; Captain Antonio Prestigiacomo Director of the Cruise Center Miami at DNV.