Healthcare trainings & individual certifications

We offer in-person and virtual trainings for healthcare professionals. All courses are taught by our team of expert trainers and curricula are designed to equip you with tools to help your organization excel in its quality of care services. View our scheduled public courses below and click the green button at right to ask about private options!

Enhance your knowledge and skills with training and individual certification.
Training is an excellent way to expand your understanding of standards and requirements, to upskill staff, and even to orient new leadership to DNV's collaborative survey culture.
Our courses are taught by experienced DNV surveyors who have worked on both sides of the survey process. They know the real-world challenges of applying these concepts in the hospital setting.  
We offer in-person and virtual courses, in both private and public settings, and our team can design a course to fit the needs of your organization. View our scheduled public courses below and click the green button at right to ask about scheduling private options! 

June 2025 public courses

Most of our June sessions will be taught at the 'DNV's Healthcare University' event at the Westin Atlanta Airport. The virtual Sterile Processing course is not a part of this event.

CHOP Recertification

Open for recertification via attestation or testing. The exam is offered once each month.

CHOP Recertification

CHOP Recertification

$149 for recertification with attestation $348 for recertification with exam. You will be asked to choose either the attestation option or your exam date during the registration process.