Next generation food traceability and why it matters

  • Traceability is the method of accessing information about a product throughout its life cycle by using a system of recorded identifications from raw materials though to consumer point of sale
  • Traceability  can help a company provide internal and external stakeholders logistical and food safety-related information in the case of complaints and product recalls
  • A safe food product is the result of all the processes and handling activities carried out throughout the entire food chain.
  • A digital traceability system ensures a robust approach  to meet the requirements of FSMA 204 and other benefits for organizations and consumers  

Digital transformation of supply chain and digitalization of food safety data records

Our innovative services and initiatives allow us to combine our industry knowledge and technology capabilities to pioneer digital assurance to build more trust in every part of the supply chain

  • Subject to the individual use case and context, we can apply emerging technologies to ensure tamperproof, immutable, and timestamped data – providing a single source of truth for all relevant critical data elements within the supply chain. We can furthermore build this into a DNV-hosted platform for verified compliance
  • DNV provides the means to shift vital food safety data records from paper and pen to bits and bytes – which allows growers, distributors, producers, and retailers to provide transparency  throughout their supply chains. This supports the  strategy and actions by using real-time data and dashboards and provides an efficient setup for compliance to FDA requirements,  saving valuable time in gathering data in complex supply chains