Advanced Palliative Care Certification
DNV offers certification for palliative care programs
DNV offers certification for palliative care programs
We offer Advanced Palliative Care Certification (APCC), designed to recognize excellence in inpatient palliative care treatment. Our APCC requirements integrate the National Consensus Project Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care, 3rd edition and the CMS Conditions of Participation (CoPs) for hospitals.
Our requirements provide a framework that assists organizations in the development and implementation of processes and systems that improve operational effectiveness and enhance positive health outcomes to improve patients' quality of life.
The Advanced Palliative Care Certification survey audits an organization's palliative care program in the following areas:
Advanced Healthcare Cybersecurity Certification
Certification in Infection Prevention (CIP)
Advanced Certification in Infection Prevention (AC-IP)
Advanced Sterile Processing Certification
Glycemic Management Program Certification
Advanced Palliative Care Certification