Advanced Healthcare Cybersecurity Certification

Our newest advanced certification for hospitals and organizations

Safeguarding patient data and healthcare systems

Furthering our services to help hospitals and healthcare organizations remain at the forefront of quality care delivery, DNV is proud to offer an Advanced Healthcare Cybersecurity Certification for organizations. In an evolving digital landscape, the threat of data breaches, cyberattacks, and ransomware attacks grows nearly daily. Efforts to consistently improve patient safety must include actions to ensure security of sensitive patient data.

Why cybersecurity is important in healthcare

Healthcare organizations manage substantial amounts of sensitive data every single day in order to give the best and most informed treatment and care to patients. An attack or breach of healthcare data not only impacts patients by compromising their privacy. It also interrupts the processes and systems of healthcare services and delivery, damages trust in providers and organizations, and poses significant financial risk to an organization.

How our newest certification empowers healthcare organizations

The DNV Advanced Healthcare Cybersecurity Certification is designed to help your organization recognize the applications of cybersecurity within your organizations, where the risks are, and how to certify your organization’s cyber operations to quality management standards. As a result, your organization will be equipped with knowledge and tools to protect patient data.­­

What’s covered in the certification standards:

  • An overview of unique cybersecurity challenges specific to healthcare organizations
  • Implementing best practices for securing electronic health records (EHRs)
  • Navigating regulatory requirements and compliance standards such as HIPAA, GDPR, and HITECH
  • Developing incident response plans and strategies for mitigating cyber risks
  • Cultivating a culture of cybersecurity awareness and training among healthcare staff

Why choose our Advanced Healthcare Cybersecurity Certification

When you choose DNV certification, you choose to be a proactive leader in protecting private patient data. Secure patient data equals improved patient safety and peace of mind for patients and their families.

More to follow

To provide even more resources in managing cybersecurity in healthcare, we will soon announce the release of a healthcare cybersecurity training course, available to all healthcare professionals. The course curriculum is designed to educate on the subject matter surveyed within this certification.


For more information, download our standards below free of charge, and contact us today.

Our standards and requirements are available for download free of charge