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Kelly Proctor, President, Operations
Micah Rehm, Vice President, Operations
Brennan Scott, Program Manager, System Surveys
Michelle Coalson, Program Manager, Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Tom Quinn, Program Manager, Psychiatric Accreditation & Advisory Board Liason
Business Development
Scott Mason, Executive Director, Business Development
Program Certifications
Ronell Myburgh, Executive Director, Program Certifications
Leslie Lloyd, Infection Prevention & Sepsis Management SME
Jeremy Gibson-Roark, Sterile Processing SME
Natalie Gosselin, Glycemic Management & Palliative Care SME
Renee Cecil, Cardiac SME
Dawn Ellington, Orthopedic & Adult Spine SME
Adam Frabott, Pediatric Spine SME
Regulatory Affairs
Troy McCann, Executive Director, Regulatory Affairs
Clint Butts, Standards Application & Interpretation Specialist
Mandi Burden, Standards Application & Interpretation Specialist
Anne Marie Pizzi RN, Standards Application & Interpretation Specialist
Jodi Gray RN, Supervisory Review Manager
Jillian Burba, Manager of Regulatory Affairs
John Cooke, Certification Manager
Lisa Job RN, Regulatory Manager for Complaints
Stroke Certification Services
Cathie Abrahamsen, Executive Director, Stroke Certification Services
Training & Education
Simile Miller, Executive Director, Training & Education
Charles Conway, Training Manager, NIAHO & ISO
Don Metcalfe, Training Manager, CHOP & PE Education
Jeremy Gibson-Roark, Training Manager, CHIPP & Clinical Education
Kyle Patrick, Internal Training Manager