Implementing a Quality Management System Using ISO 9001

Where to start?

Sustainable organizations manage quality. Customers seek confidence in their suppliers. Suppliers need the confidence that their products and services consistently perform well. An effective quality management system is a powerful strategic tool for successful leaders. This course provides guidance to leaders on how to get the ball rolling in setting up a sustainable, certificate-ready, effective QMS. From procuring the first copy of an ISO standard, through implementation steps, and onto choosing a registrar, participants will build executable strategies that can be taken back to the home base.

Course Highlights  

This two-day course includes instruction and hands-on exercises in:

  • Researching information
  • Assembling an implementation team
  • Defining an implementation strategy
  • Determining training needs
  • Using consultants
  • Initiating document control and procedures processes
  • Launching the strategy
  • Pre-assessments
  • Certification and registration

Each attendee receives a personal copy of the ISO 9001:2015 standard and a practical workbook. 

Who Should Attend: Top management, leaders, visionaries, anyone responsible for implementing and/or controlling an ISO-influenced quality management system.  

Recommended follow-up courses:

  • ISO 9001:2015 Foundation and Internal Auditor
  • Root Cause Analysis and Problem Solving
  • High Level Leadership

Class Hours: 

In Class: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | LiveOnline: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CST. Classes are delivered in 90 minute segments with 30 minute breaks in between with up to four (4) sessions per day.

All our public courses can also be delivered in-house at your premises either as standard or tailored depending on the needs and requirements of your business.

Contact us if you are interested or want to know more about in-house courses.

Training categories

Our training focus on enhancing management systems knowledge, while fostering a growth and innovation mindset for business success.

OnDemand Webinars

These webinars have been recorded and archived and may be viewed at your convenience.