Incident Investigation

Learn to effectively investigate major accidents and other high potential events, and to control their causes.

Incident Investigation is designed to provide participants with critical knowledge and skills to thoroughly and professionally investigate very serious, complex, and/or high potential events. The 3-day course is based on real industrial safety and process events, but the content is applicable to investigation of environmental, quality, and other loss and near-loss events. The course is available as a public (open registration) or private (on-site or LiveOnline) event.

Course Highlights:

  • Understanding how incidents happen
  • Planning an investigation process
  • Gathering evidence from Positions, People, Parts and Reconstruction, Paper
  • How human factors impact investigations
  • Cause analysis techniques
  • Remedial Actions
  • Report and follow-up

The course is built around a robust case study of an actual event. Participants are provided abundant information about this event and challenged to apply the investigation tools and techniques taught in the course to determine causes and appropriate remedial actions.

Why Attend:

  • Highly interactive exercises and case studies
  • Discussion with peers facing similar challenges when developing or upgrading their management system
  • Working sessions to consider impact to your own organization's management system
  • Course developed and conducted by experienced consultants and trainers
  • Class size is restricted to ensure positive learning environment

Who Should Attend:
For persons whose responsibilities include investigation of very serious and/or high-potential events. Candidates include HSEQ professionals and operating managers who might be called upon to participate on teams for high-level investigations. In addition, persons who might be designated as primary resources for guidance on the development of investigation processes and coaching of supervisors and others who have investigation responsibilities will find this course invaluable.

Class Hours: 
In Class: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | LiveOnline: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CST. Classes are delivered in 90 minute segments with 30 minute breaks in between with up to four (4) sessions per day.

All our public courses can also be delivered in-house at your premises either as standard or tailored depending on the needs and requirements of your business.

Contact us if you are interested or want to know more about in-house courses.

Training categories

Our training focus on enhancing management systems knowledge, while fostering a growth and innovation mindset for business success.

OnDemand Webinars

These webinars have been recorded and archived and may be viewed at your convenience.